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The Quote

Quote from Jake in the episode The Crime Scene

Jake: Who's the Vic?
Officer Jen: Name is Andrew Adams.
Jake: Kind of a boring name. Not dope.
Officer Jen: He's an investigative reporter.
Jake: Dope. What was he investigating?
Officer Jen: Chicken farming.
Jake: Sharp turn away from dopeness, but who found the body?
Officer Jen: His boss called the cops when he didn't show up to work, so he was found by Officer Darrell.
Jake: Officer Darrell? You are seriously undoping this.
Jake: You got anything else for me? Jen?
Officer Jen: The apartment was locked from the inside.
Jake: Mysterious. Dope.
Officer Jen: And the alarm system was still armed.
Jake: Dope, dope, dope, dope. So hard to solve.
Rosa: Any surveillance cameras?
Officer Jen: Oh, yeah. Tons of 'em. We checked 'em.
Jake: It's too easy.
Officer Jen: But no one was seen going in or out. So whoever did this was a ghost.
Jake: Yes! A ghost! Oh! I officially declare this case ... dope!

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